Kel Health & Wellness

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Millions of people suffer from depression daily. In fact, CDC reports that one in 6 adults is either going through depression or will deal with it at some point in their lives. Despite being so common, it is often considered a social stigma.

People suffering from depression go through multiple symptoms. However, the most common ones are feeling sad or anxious for more than two weeks. The list of depression symptoms also includes being disheartened from the activities you once enjoyed. Many people also feel a loss of appetite and changes in sleep.

Untreated depression can lead to major depressive disorder, which will affect every aspect of your life. Hence, to help you overcome this mental health issue and treat depression, Kel Health and Wellness offers licensed telepsychiatrists whenever you want. Our goal is to erase the stigma around it and help people suffering from depression.

How Kel Health and Wellness Helps Depressed People?

  • Professional Consultation in Minutes We connect you to licensed and experienced psychiatrists for examination in minutes
  • From Anytime, Anywhere You can contact a telepsychiatrist anytime and anywhere. All you need is an internet connection.
  • Pharmacy of Your Choice We send the prescriptions to the pharmacy you prefer.

Types of Depression

At Kel Health and Wellness, we treat multiple types of depression. Some of those are listed below:

  • postpartum depression
  • clinical depression
  • bipolar depression
  • major depressive disorder
  • chronic depression
  • Postpartum Depression

How to Manage Your Depression?

The best way to manage your depression is to consult a licensed telepsychiatrist. They will provide you with all the tools and support required to manage and address depressive disorder. 

Depending upon the stage of your depression, the telepsychiatrist will recommend you one of three treatments; cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), anti-depressant medications, or joining support groups.

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